About Us
The Kerala Forum on United Nations Academic Impact (KFUNAI) is an independent 'NGO' whose mission is to promote United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) in the State of Kerala and Indian National Forum in support of United Nations Academic Impact (INFUNAI) in the rest of the states in India and to promote the ideals enshrined in the United Nations Charter. Presently, KFUNAI/INFUNAI is coordinating 65+ institutions in India. To do all sorts of social and charitable activities like the establishment of orphanages, hostels, old age homes, rehabilitation centers, educational institutions, and libraries; the support of students and the weaker sections of society including the women and the aged; through digital media, publishing of books, newspapers, magazines, webinars, in person and digital platform meetings, etc. and honouring public personalities by giving awards, honours, etc.

Our vision
- To work as an NGO to promote, UNAI membership and UNAI ASPIRE Chapter in colleges in the State of Kerala and the other States of India.
- To protect and promote human Values, Peace, etc. and to resist fanaticism and terrorism in all forms.
- To promote education, culture, religious harmony, human rights, human values, etc. by establishing and managing educational institutions
- To promote Global Citizenship and National Integration.
- To promote the ideals enshrined in the UN Charter.